Who were the Druids and what was their cult? The Greek and Roman sources describe them as super barbarians in a disregarding and biased way. Archeology reveals something about them in a more objective way.

Among the findings: remains that allude to their ways of divination, in wooden sticks and the way they fell on the floor (what is called in the Bible “magicians” קוסמים kosmim, because wooden sticks are “toothpicks”, קיסם kesam), in the texture of stains, in the flight of birds, etc. In their healing methods and the status of the healers And of course, the icing on the cake: a human sacrifice drugged with a mixture containing mistletoe, victims were usually of enemies whose remains were used as decoration for war temples. The Romans used to exaggerate their description and cruelty, probably as a dislike of a custom they used themselves in the past and as an identification with a “religious reform” that distinguished them from the barbarians at some point, and made them more cultured in their own eyes with a philosophical influence.

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What is all about?

This blog is based on my posts in the facebook group “Entheogens and sacred herbs“. In the group we are dealing with applications of various medicinal plants in religious worship in the past and present. Among the areas we deal with there are Neolithic nature and fertility rituals, worship of sacred trees, ethnobotany and traditional medicine, the pagan origins of monotheistic religions (“pagan continuity”) and the use of mind altering substances throughout history. Some of the hebrew versions of the posts are being posted in culture-agent.com. I’d be glad to develop a high-quality debate on these topics and give a platform to these topic

Who am I?

My name is Avi Levkovich, I’m a software engineer, with an academic background in philosophy and history (master’s degree student). Formerly a journalist on culture and technology issues in Israeli newspapers such as Maariv, Calcalist, Israel Hayom, etc. Since 2008 i’m writing the blog “Culture Agent”, which deals with popular culture and religion. I became interested in the topic of entheogens from a completely different direction, the connection between technology and religion. But quickly I came to be intensely engaged in messianism and especially “gnostic” messianism. In recent years, the practice has taken on an ethnobotanical nature, with the emphasis placed on the use of plants sacred to Judaism.

August 2023

amanita muscaria assyria balsam bible Bronze Age cannabis celts divination drugs egypt Elisa Guerra-Doce etymology evolution fertility folklore food gnosis greek religion horse human sacrifice incense islam judaism mandrake maya mercury mushroom myth norse pagan primitive science qumran sacred bull sacred trees sacrifice saffron self-defect soma spain tabernacle temple wine wolf Yahweh zoroastrianism


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